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American Pump and Drilling Blog

Now Vs. Later: Tips With a Water Inspection

As we’ve mentioned previously in blog posts, our team does real estate water inspections at an affordable cost. This is used most of the time to make sure that a well water system is in good shape, or to ensure that the quality of a new building’s water supply isn’t contaminated. But the truth is that it can do much more than that.

The housing market is still hot which means homeowners are looking for ways to skip any and all inspections if they can to sweeten the deal to the seller. While this might sound like a good tool for getting a quick purchase, it’s not going to help you in the long run. In fact, if you suspect that your new home requires a real estate water inspection in Olympia, WA, then you’re almost always going to be better off either skipping the purchase or investing in a water inspection performed by a professional.

Water Inspection Tips: Now Vs. Later

If you want to understand just how valuable a water inspection is, we need to talk about two types of benefits from this service. There are things that you’ll get right now, while you’re purchasing your new home, and things you’ll benefit from down the line that can make your life a lot easier. Here’s a bit of a breakdown for our new customers.

What Comes From a Water Inspection Now

Here’s what you can expect from investing in a real estate water inspection now.

  • Increased cost and risk of finding a dealbreaker. Sure, there’s a cost required for a real estate water inspection, but that cost could help you find a dealbreaker, like contaminated water, a leaking sewer, or even a well pump that’s on its way out.
  • Initial water findings. We’ll even do a thorough water analysis so we can determine what contaminants or minerals might be in your water, and how that affects its quality.
  • Materials for planning. If you’re still sure about your new home purchase, then this will help you plan for the future on what systems to invest in, or what to do about your water system.

What Comes Later

Here’s the good stuff—this is what you get down the line from an early water inspection.

  • Knowledge of an expensive purchase. If you need a water softener or an expensive water treatment system installed, at least you’ll know about it ahead of time. This is vital for financial planning in case you have other life events take place.
  • Happiness with water quality. As you work to get your water system in good shape, our inspection will have lead you to happiness with your water quality, and perhaps even good, clean drinking water in your home!
  • Thorough examination of well, sewer, and other water systems. You’ll know how your well, sewer, and other water systems are doing just from a quick inspection from our professionals. This is great info to have for the next ten years!

American Pump and Drilling always balances quality with price, making sure you get what you need out of this service. Contact us today!

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