American Pump and Drilling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water filter’

Is Water Filtration Worth the Investment?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Times are tight for a lot of our customers in the Puyallup area. There always seems to be an endless list of things that are more worth your money than that new appliance, car maintenance, or a home water filtration system.

But we’d argue that some expenses are more important than others, and depending on your situation and your personal health, a water filtration system might be at the top of that list. If you’re looking for a good reason to justify purchasing a water filtration system, or investing in Puyallup water filtration system repair for your broken equipment, then this is the blog for you.

These systems are powerful and can make a huge difference in your quality of life.

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How Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Works

Monday, February 27th, 2023

You’ve likely heard the term “reverse osmosis” outside of this blog. Perhaps you’re familiar with the term “osmosis” from your high school chemistry days, or even from a college course many years ago. It’s true, osmosis is a very important scientific concept, but it’s one that can be easily understood with a little bit of dissection. And, in terms of water purification, reverse osmosis is a game changer.

Back in the day, before reverse osmosis systems in Rochester, WA were a thing, we relied on old-fashioned filters and boiling our water. Many homes across the country didn’t have water free from contaminants. Biological contaminants were much more commonly found in water sources, and people either didn’t drink their home’s water, or they got sick continuously from doing so. Now, with the advancement of a reverse osmosis filtration system, the way we think about water systems has begun to change for the following reasons.

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