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American Pump and Drilling Blog

How Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Works

You’ve likely heard the term “reverse osmosis” outside of this blog. Perhaps you’re familiar with the term “osmosis” from your high school chemistry days, or even from a college course many years ago. It’s true, osmosis is a very important scientific concept, but it’s one that can be easily understood with a little bit of dissection. And, in terms of water purification, reverse osmosis is a game changer.

Back in the day, before reverse osmosis systems in Rochester, WA were a thing, we relied on old-fashioned filters and boiling our water. Many homes across the country didn’t have water free from contaminants. Biological contaminants were much more commonly found in water sources, and people either didn’t drink their home’s water, or they got sick continuously from doing so. Now, with the advancement of a reverse osmosis filtration system, the way we think about water systems has begun to change for the following reasons.

Osmosis, Permeability, and Membranes

Wow, those are a lot of complicated words. Fear not, your boring chemistry teacher isn’t teaching this class! In order to understand how reverse osmosis works, we need to talk about these three terms.

  • Osmosis is a process where fluid travels from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure. It’s a natural process and one that happens all around you.
  • Permeability is just how “tight” a seal might be, and how easy it would be for fluid to travel through it.
  • Membranes are basically any type of lining or containment, from a single-celled organism to a rubber balloon.

Now, with those terms out of the way, we can talk about how this process works. Simply put, reverse osmosis forces water through a semi-permeable membrane which automatically removes dissolved solids and contaminants. Once the water has passed this membrane, it’s fresh, clean, and removed of even the smallest contaminants.

Yes, This Includes Bacteria

Before reverse osmosis, bacteria was a normal thing to have in the water. Traveling to different countries could be difficult because the water contained different types of bacteria in it, which could make people ill. However, reverse osmosis has the power to remove bacteria and other contaminants that are seemingly microscopic in size.

This means that your water can become even safer and cleaner than what we’ve been used to for decades. And it gets better too!

The Most Filtrated Water Available

With a reverse osmosis water filter, you get access to the most filtrated water possible. As of now, there’s no economically feasible way to remove more contaminants from water than with reverse osmosis. It’s just that good.

We’re also not just talking about bacteria, but solid contaminants like debris, dirt, volatile organic compounds, plastics, and more. And, since water that’s been filtered through reverse osmosis is safe to drink, your friends and family can drink your water and avoid purchasing bottled water for the foreseeable future!

It’s time to take a step into the future with this popular new water filtration method. If you’re interested, we can get you set up with a new reverse osmosis water filtration unit ASAP.

Contact American Pump and Drilling for a solution you can count on.

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